Pick Up Those Dumbbells


Today marks the 21st anniversary of a day that would go on to define the early years of the 21st century. In light of this, we should all prepare ourselves for the next time this happens. We should pick up those dumbbells before those bells toll for us.

Get on the grindset today so we can fight the Al Qaeda of tomorrow! Here are some additions to your daily diet that would help you bulk up (an almost 800-900 increase in calories daily).

Protein Powder

Protein powder is a must for someone who doesn’t have much time to eat. I use GNC, reputable, but more on the pricy side at $40. Lasts about a month. You can go for cheaper brands, but the quality will vary - some may say “35 grams of protein” when they’re actually underdosing on certain amino acids.

Protein Bars

While you’re perusing the endless aisles of Costco, consider picking up a pack of protein bars. You can get 12 bars for $15 bucks. Bring some to class or work every day to get that protein in. Make sure to drink water with these, too! You need it to absorb the fiber in the bars.

Brotein Oatmeal

In the morning, take some oatmeal, put in a bowl with some milk. Next, microwave it. When it’s done, take it out. Then, take a tbsp of peanut butter and a scoop of protein powder and mix it in. Boom, a quick and easy 5 minute breakfast with approximately 35 grams of protein and lots of carbs and calories.

You even can eat this with a shake (I recommend using frozen blueberries for this so it’s cold, otherwise add ice cubes) after a workout and add more peanut butter and milk for more calories and macronutrients!