Alexander Chen

Pick Up Those Dumbbells


Today marks the 21st anniversary of a day that would go on to define the early years of the 21st century. In light of this, we should all prepare ourselves for the next time this happens. We should pick up those dumbbells before those bells toll for us.


The West Needs to Protect Taiwan


China is currently the largest manufacturer of commercial goods in the world. Take a walk to your local big-box department store and pick up a mug or a chair or a vacuum cleaner. Turn it over and look at that legally-mandated “MADE IN” label - the country “CHINA” probably follows.


We should use shopping carts to teach driving


I went to my local Costco to pick up some hand sanitizer for the next pandemic and, while pushing my 32-lb cart through the tall warehouse shelves, it occured to me that shopping carts would be a brilliant idea to teach driving.



Q&A Politics
Took four of them. Super worth it. My first time, there was a nice old man that gave me a free copy of Windows 11. Thank you whoever that was! I love Windows!