

The advent of the Internet has been both a benefit and a curse for the human race.

One such product is the Incel. What is an incel? An abbreviation for the term “involuntary celibate.” In my own words, I’d say it’s someone so blatantly misogynistic that no girl would want to date them. Then, they go complaining about no girl wanting to date them. All that pent up frustration seeps into their brain, flattening out all the ridges and creating a smooth surface, thus, continuing the downward spiral into 4-Channer hell.

Before the era of pocket-sized supercomputers, the complaints of the incel were relegated to the quiet corner of creeps and geeks on campus. Nowadays, incels congregate in their echo chambers on Reddit, where they can feed off all that negativity and reinforce their flawed beliefs. They believe that all human beings act as egotists within society by seeking for something that they themselves cannot obtain. This can turn dangerous, especially since their aim is both self-hatred towards themselves and others who don’t like them. For social animals, they live out hatefully inside these chambers at many levels - so often resulting both personal animosity between members, rejection, and, in the most extreme cases, destruction.

If someone rejects my methods, it gives me nothing. But, I can move on from it. Incels, meanwhile, internalize all of that. They will never move on. If you ever spot an incel in the wild, do not engage. They could be the stalker-type - or worse.

That’s all I have to say about this topic for today. I’ll consider revisiting this topic later, but, for now, I will leave you with some incel spotting tips:

They use 4-Chan.

A good rule of thumb is to check for 4-Chan activity. It is the epitome of creep echo chamber.

They lack social skills

They’re insecure, shy, no self-esteem. They shirk into the corners and watch from afar.

They have an addiction to NSFW content

Spending hours and hours watching NSFW content can warp one’s worldview.

They constantly make self-deprecating jokes

Because of all that self-hate, expect an incel to make a lot of self-deprecating jokes. They see themselves as unsuccessful individuals with dead-end opporunities at every step of their lives. In their free time, they wallow about loneliness and lack of achivements, rather than actually putting in the work to change the status quo.


That hate can spill over into hatred of more than just women. From the LGBTQ community to BLM, they hate them all. Bigotry in general is a massive red flag.